Lü Interactive

Interactive Team Game

With Lü Interactive, ON THE ROCK manages the balancing act between sports education, health and a gaming tool. Lü can be used by us in schools for physical education, but can also be integrated in business meetings.

What all fields of application have in common is the fun of playing and moving. Play with or against each other. Cameras record the activities of the players and interactively implement them in the game. Future gaming of the future or just a nice change for all kinds of occasions.

Lü Interactive


Lü at school, at a big event, or at a meeting? Lü apps cover all subject areas, from math to STEM, art, sports, languages, geography, and more. The portfolio also includes tools and utilities like timers, digital scoreboards, and team builders. Curious? Check out more info here:

Lü Interactive


Contact: Jan Moerchen | F +49.2309.78425-10

ON THE ROCK Interactive Lü

We connect people

Do you have any further questions?

Jan Moerchen
F  +49.2309.78425-10