Sphery ExerCube

Interactive Team Game

The new interactive playground tool from ON THE ROCK. The Sphery ExerCube is an immersive fitness game setting that combines innovative software and hardware design with state-of-the-art training concepts. Whether as a team-building measure, as a fitness tool parallel to the meeting or as part of our entire OTR Interactive Playgound?

When training with the ExerCube, the player is surrounded by three walls that simultaneously serve as a projection surface and haptic interface for energetic body interactions. All games can be played in single player mode or as cooperative or competitive multiplayer in a shared and different ExerCubes. Perhaps as a team-building measure or fitness tool parallel to a meeting? ON THE ROCK makes it easy, gladly for you too?

Sphery ExerCube


The new interactive playground tool from ON THE ROCK. The Sphery ExerCube is an immersive fitness game setting that combines innovative software and hardware design with state-of-the-art training concepts. When training with the ExerCube, the player is surrounded by three walls that simultaneously serve as a projection surface and haptic interface for energetic body interactions.

Whether as a teambuilding measure, fitness tool parallel to a meeting or as part of our entire OTR Interactive Playground? Contact us, we will find an innovative and effective implementation for you.

The Sphery Racer is the first virtual gaming experience for the ExerCube. The virtual game scenario takes the player on a fast-paced sci-fi race underwater. The player navigates an avatar on a hoverboard, races along a track and passes various motor-cognitively challenging obstacles. To ensure a maximally engaging and effective training experience for everyone, the difficulty and complexity of the game are continuously adjusted to the player's individual fitness and cognitive abilities during the ExerCube session. The game can be played in single player mode or as cooperative or competitive multiplayer in a shared and different ExerCubes. Perhaps as a team-building measure, or as a fitness tool parallel to a meeting? ON THE ROCK makes it easy, gladly for you too?

More info here:

Sphery ExerCube

Contact: Jan Moerchen | F +49.2309.78425-10

ON THE ROCK Interactive ExerCube

We connect people

Do you have any further questions?

Jan Moerchen
F  +49.2309.78425-10